The Online Challenge: Why Not Teach Music History Unconventionally?

  • Jocelyn R. Neal UNC Chapel Hill
Keywords: online pedagogy


As the proliferation of online courses reaches into the fields of music history and music theory, more colleagues are contemplating the efficacy and desirability of getting involved, while some institutions are pushing faculty into the new medium of instruction. This essay explores one such instance of online instruction by first outlining the format and implementation system at a major state university, then reflecting on both the positive and negative experiences encountered by the instructor, who has taught online music history and music fundamentals courses for the past seven years. 

Author Biography

Jocelyn R. Neal, UNC Chapel Hill
Jocelyn Neal is Associate Professor and Adjunct Associate Professor American Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she teaches music theory, analysis, and popular music courses. She is the author of The Songs of Jimmie Rodgers: A Legacy in Country Music (Indiana University Press) and co-author of a revised edition of Country Music U.S.A. (University of Texas Press). Her articles and reviews have appeared in several journals including Music Theory Spectrum, Journal for the Society of American Music, and Musical Quarterly, and she is currently co-editor of Southern Cultures.